Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Journal Chapter 2

My favorite quote in chapter 2 is the "Encouragement" in Augustus house which is"Good friends are hard to find and impossible to forget about". Encouragement is giving support to people that needs it. This Encouragement  means that its very hard to find a good friend because there are a lot of friends that will back stab you before you get to turn around, but a good friend is a person that will stand beside you to give you support. I can connect to this because i got all my friends is good friends that helped me get through bad times, and also my friends is very fun to hang around. I had the best-est good friend ever because he was so fun to hang around and he was loyal, he never told an lie he always been honest and truthful to me. I also liked the encouragement in chapter which is"home is where your heart is" this quote means your house is not always your home. Whatever place your heart feels good at ( Ex. family, friends). I can connect to this because even though my home well always feel good around my friends and family. They is people that you can be reliable to and honest to. I also can reflect to this because there are a lot of people who prefer to have their home around family and others prefer to have their home around friends. Both of this quotes or encouragements can be both connected to happiness in your life.

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